Episode 55: Feather Fountain

The Feather Fountain is as beautiful as it is deadly and it’s plenty of both.

 Thanks to Cecil Baldwin for voicing the Stairway Keeper. Cecil has long been one of my favorite voices in podcasting and you can hear him on the show that first inspired me to create audio-fiction, Welcome to Night Vale.

 Thanks to Kathryn Nuernberger for today’s hidden lore poem. Kathryn is the author of THE WITCH OF EYE, essays about witches and witch trials, and RUE, poems about plants historically used for birth control. ADVANCED POETRY, a textbook on reading and writing poetry co-authored with Maya Jewell Zeller was just released in January. She is currently writing a collection of essays about symbiotic mutualism, mutual aid, and ways of being together in an age of climate crises. Find her online at: kathrynnuernberger.com

Episode 45: Hello Traveler

Thoughts about loving ourselves in an imperfect world in a strange tavern on a dark hill.

Thanks to Andrew Collins for the use of his song Farewell my Old Friend. I borrowed it with his permission from a 2020 YouTube performance. I just love Andrew’s playing. Find out more about his music and check out his mandolin lessons at www.andrewcollinstrio.com.

Hidden lore poetry by Eric Fisher Stone. Eric Fisher Stone is a poet and writing tutor from Fort Worth, Texas. He received his MFA in writing and the environment from Iowa State University. His poetry collection, The Providence of Grass, was published by “Chatter House Press” in 2018. His second poetry collection, Animal Joy, is forthcoming from “WordTech Editions” in October 2021.

 I recently put out a call for help on social media asking folks to contribute to my work via Patreon or Ko-Fi and I have received a truly awe-inspiring amount of support. I’d like to specifically thank Jennifer Reed for her generosity in joining my Patreon at the CryptoNaturalist level. You are exceedingly kind.

Episode 24: You

You are a cryptid worthy of study, a creature of the marshland night, a fascinating animal who is about to make a new friend.

Hidden Lore poetry by Jarod K. Anderson.

Please take a moment to leave a review for The CryptoNaturalist wherever you listen to this podcast.  

Ambient wetland sound credit: https://freesound.org/people/tonant/sounds/260760/

Episode 10: Electric King Snake

This week we explore safety, a very unusual snake, and receive an important update about squirrels.

Saker played the voice of Jed VanDorn. Saker is a cohost of It's All Been Done: A Barenaked Ladies podcast. It's two boys talking about almost anything but Barenaked Ladies. You can find it on your favorite podcast catcher. Saker also has a nerd hip-hop group called 2d6, online at 2d6music.com.